Hy Tech Insulating
Ceramic Additive for Paint
Insulation rating, insulation values, insulation R factor, insulation R values, radiant barrier, thermal barrier, thermal insulation, thermal transfer... Understanding what all these terms mean and how they apply to energy efficiency.:
All the materials that are used in the construction of your home or business absorb and transfer Heat. 80% - 95 % of this heat is transferred, from the warmer side to the cooler side by one or more of the following ways.
- CONDUCTION: Conduction is direct heat flow through matter (molecular motion). An example of conduction, if you lay one end of a butter knife on the burner of your stove, the heat travels by conduction through the metal to the other end that you are holding and it soon becomes too hot to hold. Heat is always conducted from warm to cold never from cold to warm.
- CONVECTION: is the transport of heat within a gas or liquid. Example-hold your hand above the stove burner and you soon feel the heat being emitted and transferred thru the air upward.
- RADIATION: is the transmission of electromagnetic rays through space. We experience infrared radiation every day. The heat that we feel from sunlight, a fire, a radiator or a warm sidewalk is infrared. Although our eyes cannot see it, the nerves in our skin can feel it as heat.
Now that you understand how heat is transferred,
How do we stop this transfer?
Up till now, we have used (mass) insulation such as Fiberglass, Cellulose, Styrofoam, etc. to slow down and resist ("R value") heat transfer. These types of insulation materials only work on heat transfer by means of conduction which amounts to between 5 % - 7 % of the total heat transfer into / out of a structure. That leaves 93 % - 95 % of the total heat transfer to be dealt with by your air conditioner and heater.
Mass insulation products work by trying to " trap " the heat in air pockets contained between the fibers in the product. Air is a good insulator against conduction but cannot stop radiant heat and once the insulation becomes saturated with all the heat it can absorb it then passes it on through the walls and ceilings.
Summer heat increases interior temperatures placing a huge load on your air conditioning system, and winter heat loss results in higher heating bills.
Ever notice in the summer, the sun has been down for awhile and you touch the interior side of an outside wall and it is still Hot! That's because the wall has been absorbing heat all day and is emitting it into your home. This is why your air conditioner runs well into the night even though the sun has been down for hours and the outside air is cool. The reverse happens in winter, the wall you spend a fortune on heating up transfers that heat to the outside. Your power company loves it and your heating/cooling system works overtime trying to cope with the heat that is being transferred into or out of your home.
Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee which is the technology laboratory managed for the U.S. Department of Energy, took homes in Miami FL, Phoenix AZ and Atlanta GA which were single-story, single-family detached houses with exterior walls constructed of concrete block, and interior walls of wood-framed drywall. They insulated the walls and applied stucco as follows,
"We attached two layers of inch-thick polystyrene foam insulation boards to the exterior walls, next a wire lath, and finally, stucco. After the stucco had dried, it was painted a light color. Total retrofit costs ranged from $3,610 to $4,550 per house, averaging $3.34 per square foot of exterior wall area to be covered with insulation."
The Results?
"In all cases, insulating the walls resulted in a much lower rate of heat transfer through the walls when the outdoor temperature exceeded the indoor temperature, but the added insulation also increased the retention of heat generated within the house when the outdoor temperature fell below the indoor temperature."
In some locations--particularly in Miami--the addition of wall insulation actually increased the cooling load during the spring and fall."
Note: "A lower RATE of transfer", not a reduction in the total amount.
The choice is yours, spend $3.34 per square foot and "Slow down the heat" or use
The Hy-Tech Thermal Solution:
Insulating Ceramic Paint Products that give paint the ability to
resist and reflect heat while dissipating it.